Reset | Restart | Refocus

After 12 years, 1.4 billion people almost saw their dream come true – India lifting the Men’s Cricket World Cup Trophy. What a dominant performance we had in the group stage and semi-finals only to see Australia walk away with the trophy in the Finals. But do we realize that more than us, it was those 11 players on the field who had been living that dream for years and on the field for those 2 months and their heartbreak will be at least 14 times bigger than ours?

India has been knocked out in almost a dozen tournaments since 2013 but this time we believed that we would sail through. The team had their focus and eyes on the coveted champion title throughout, but alas we lost the day it mattered the most. But then what next, India went on to defeat Australia 4-1 in a T20 series. The team had to resetrestart and refocus. The next World Cup may be years away, but what we do in between is what is important.

In 2013, after a failed startup, I was dejected and unsure of what I should do next. Being academically brilliant and having quit a well-paying job, I had no idea where to head next and what to pursue professionally. I had to hit the reset button. I reached out to my professor and he asked me if I would be keen on doing something in the education space, so I decided to restart my professional career and refocus on my dreams. Years later, in my last stint, I was working as Chief Operating Officer of a listed entity. Sometimes taking a break is all you need to do.

As a society, we do not like gap years in college or on the resume, but those are the times when we get to spend with ourselves. Go on solo dates, movie nights, trips – they are all worth it (and send me snaps). Hit the reset button.

As Toastmasters, some of us take a break from meetings, delivering speeches, participating in contests, and taking up District and club leadership roles. Maybe, it’s time to restart and get back into action? International Speech Contest season is starting soon. Several clubs with semi-annual terms will be looking out for the next set of leaders. The District will also be calling out nominations to identify and elect the next set of District officers. The District annual conference is looking out for its core organizing committee.  Let’s identify one thing we want to achieve this 2024 and put all our focus and energies towards the same.

Aren’t we supposed to make our resolutions in January? Wondering why are we doing this in December. My question is why wait another month to shift gears? Let’s take a headstart and be prepared before 2024 commences. And also, December is the best month of the year – am I right?

Some of our friends who have not renewed can be invited to restart their Toastmasters journey. Let’s bring the focus back on self-development and to help you with your journey, D98 has launched the New Year New Me campaign – you do not want to miss this.

A few weeks back, we realized that several contestants would be competing for the first time at the Division level and may not have prior competitive experience. Hence, we introduced the Contest Mentor Squad to help them. At the Division C conference held last weekend, two such members had a podium finish.

As a leader when I reflect on my journey, I realize that I need to meet more members and attend more club meetings and hence kickstart something close and personal to me #D98Tour. So far, I have had a chance to attend Blackrock, Ghodbunder, Motilal Oswal, Deutsche Bank Jaipur, and Rajasthan Toastmasters Club and my understanding of the community has grown immensely. Resetting my priorities has been instrumental in my journey so far. After all, the main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing. #BeyondTheDashboard


Last weekend I had a chance to meet various Toastmasters from Rajasthan. What a vibrant community of enthusiastic individuals. I was happy to see many members travel from Udaipur to Jaipur for the division conference. In case you’re from Mumbai, Gujarat, or Madhya Pradesh and happen to visit Rajasthan, do attend their meetings.

They say that if you manifest something, the universe will conspire to help you achieve it. Are you ready to hit the reset button and restart? District 98 Member, what is it that you want to Focus on this 2024?


Hardik Shah

District Director | District 98 | Toastmasters International